Radio Show
episode 003.
Scripted Journey
Do you know that God has created a script for your life? Watch this video to find out how your purpose is hidden within your script.
episode 004.
Scripted Journey
There is a danger in labeling those that you love. Beware of the trap of self /partner diagnosis, as it may be more destructive than you know.
episode 005.
Physical intimacy involves non-sexual and sexual affection. Whereas, emotional intimacy is the sharing the full heart to one another. To share your heart with another person, you have to be willing to pull all self protection walls and guards down and allow another person inside to see the total parts of you. This takes vulnerability, which physical intimacy does not require. You can physically express yourself with someone, without fully trusting them or being vulnerable. However, emotional intimacy requires both trusting someone else with your utmost inner emotions and trusting yourself enough to express your emotions. Physical intimacy is nothing more than primal instincts, whereas when you share emotional intimacy you have the rare opportunity to fully be known.
episode 006.
To frame a marriage with healthy functionality, you need proper alignment. The concept of “oneness” is crucial within the framework. “One” with God, “one “with self and “one” with your partner. All of these work tandem and have everything to do with integrity at the core. To live in integrity, it requires truth with self and with God. When lies and hidden agendas are confronted and replaced with stronger character ethics, trust within the marriage will build. Aa trust builds, all other parts of the relationship will have an opportunity to grow in order to create partnership oneness. This forms a bond without voids and create relationship fulfillment.
episode 007.
Becoming Roommates With Your Wife
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God does not give us the Spirit of Fear!
So, be courageous and take the next step and start talking to transform your relationship!
Book your first appointment with Suzette today to get your relationship realigned to thrive.
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Suzette - The Marriage Warrior
-M.Ed., Masters in Marriage & Family Therapy
-PHD Training in Christian Counseling
(225) 975-7584
(704) 534-5966