The focus of Couple’s & Individual Christian Coaching
Couples Care Center Coaching
Couples Care Center focuses on educating couples of the functionality of marriage according to biblical principles that cross denominational barriers. Methods are used to teach couples how the operating systems of division, offense cycles, coping mechanism and toxic argument patterns relate to marital dysfunction. As understanding increases, partners are able to make the proper adjustments to become individually and martially realigned.
Couples Care Center provides couples with education, structure and activation tools to address presenting surface issues of conflict resolution in marriage, communication in marriage, lack of intimacy, finances, etc.. Clients are placed in the drivers seat as they are equipped with a navigating system that gives the necessary training in spiritual direction to guide them through healing the soul that has been wounded through family of origin issues, childhood offense and past traumatic experiences.
Our Story at Couples Care Center
For over a decade, Couples Care Center operated under license professional counseling models and methods. Since 2004, Suzette Humphreys, founder of Couples Care Center, has combined her PHD theological studies, along with her years of experience as a marriage and family counselor, to compare traditional counseling protocols with pastoral counseling and noticed a gap between the two approaches.
In order to narrow the gap, a season was dedicated to prayer and fasting to gain insight and more effective strategies that would assist couples in crisis. As a result, a program was birthed to reflect that more than needing a therapist, a counseling referee or labels, couples needed a process that will lead them back to each other.
Through many successful years, Couples who have benefited from these programs claim “They no longer feel that they are flying blind”. As these programs became successful, as christian online coaching accommodations were made in order to fulfill the demand across state and national lines.
Meet Suzette, The Marriage Warrior
Suzette -
The Marriage Warrior
-M.Ed., Masters in Marriage & Family Therapy
-PHD Training in Christian Counseling
Suzette is a published author, a public speaker, a published worship artist and the founder of MWI; Marriage Warrior Institute Master Class. As “The Marriage Warrior”, she has been featured as a monthly columnist in a global Christian magazine. Her reputation is known for dealing with the highest forms of individual and marital crisis as she developed programs that help individuals and marriages thrive, rather than just survive.
As a result of 2 decades of Suzette researching psychological data, anecdotal client experiences and biblical principles she developed a program that crossed religious barriers and uses a spiritual lens to penetrate through the superficial and addresses core roots of the total human experience.
Suzette considers marriage to involve three entities: the husband, the wife and the marriage. Suzette views “the marriage”, the 3rd entity, as her client. Her approach brings education, tools and healing to each spouse, and together, the couple are able to heal “the marriage”.
“God assists me with clients to establish clarity and awareness couples need to address conflict resolution more effectively. I utilize a straight forward, "shoot from the hip" approach to penetrate through the superficial and address the core of the relationship issues. Whether the relationship is going through marital difficulty, addiction, adultery, communication in marriage, divorce, family of origin issues, lack of intimacy, spiritual direction or marriage separation, I provide individuals and couples support and direction to face internal issues in order to gain resolution in high crisis situations.
God has placed within me a passion to bring hope in the face of hopelessness. Because I believe in strengthening what remains, I work with clients to reveal the strong parts of self that are hidden behind the hurt and discouragement. There are not many life experiences that are more painful to people other than the emotional distress of a suffering relationship.”- Suzette
“Marriage is tough for most people and we all benefit in having more understanding on how to effectively relate to one another.”
More About Suzette
Couple’s Education
Suzette has her masters training in Marriage and family counseling from Southeastern University and PhD. training in Christian counseling from Liberty University.
My Christian journey began early, as I received Christ in my life during my childhood. I call it a journey because in maturing as a Christian, my relationship with Christ took many turns. What I have learned as a Christian is that although I may fall short on my end, God remains the same and He is always good. He has strengthened me when I was weak, he has grounded me when I wavered, he has lifted my head in grieving, he has been the lover of my soul when I was lonely, and a joy and peace that has been everlasting and steady. These accolades may sound too good to be true, but I have lived through every one of them and found that “the plans He has for me are NOT to harm me but to prosper me and give me hope” (Jer. 29:11) As my hunger for him deepened and my pursuit of him strengthened, the most meaningful experiences in my life have come from knowing Him. He is my pleasure….and I am ever grateful.”
“God always uses relationships (especially when there is a crisis) to create the changes that result in growth.”
The techniques Suzette Uses in Christian Coaching
Whether the relationship is going through marital difficulty, addiction, adultery, divorce, family of origin issues, or spiritual separation, I provide individuals and couples education, direction and tools that help couples activate internal issues in order to gain resolution in high crisis situations. God has placed within me a passion to bring hope in the face of hopelessness. Because I believe in “strengthening what remains”, I work with clients to reveal the strong parts of self that are hidden behind the hurt and discouragement. There are not many life experiences that are more painful to people other than the emotional distress of a suffering relationship.
Coaching on confronting unresolved conflict, lack of emotional connection, loss of love and regard for one another are difficult for people. However, these are the type of issues that force individuals to address rigid interactions that break apart families, specifically children. Suzettes direct approach includes two phases. In the initial phase I work with the client's goals to provide structure in order to place strict boundaries, tools, follow-through and consistency to bring a sense of calm in a chaotic situation. The second phase includes revealing the roots of the rigid interactions. This process is strategic, in that, it slows down interactions in order to determine the coping defenses and mechanisms that partners utilize to continue the distress. Although feelings of loss of love may be present, the issues rarely relate to love at all, but rather coping mechanisms that are unidentified and manifesting in other relationships. I place inside the marriage the specific processes required for clients to explore and identify these interaction patterns, so that healing from painful experiences can occur and new pathways of thinking and interactions are discovered.
“It is a path for those with a journey to make, and on it, the redeemed will walk. They will enter singing, crowned with everlasting joy. They will meet with joy and gladness. Sorrow and mourning will flee.”
Meet the Team
Suzette; The Marriage Warrior
225-975-7584 -
Dawn Panepinto
Bethany Bowen
Cheryl Falkner
Patti Wood
“Finding HOPE When Feeling HOPELESS.”
Testimonials About Suzette
Get in touch.
Suzette - The Marriage Warrior
-M.Ed., Masters in Marriage & Family Therapy
-PHD Training in Christian Counseling
(225) 975-7584
(704) 534-5966
Check out the Marriage Warrior Institute for online training courses of healing for individuals and couples.